Victorian Online Gold Maps

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You can get an annual subscription to these Goldfield Districts.

Remember you need a Google Account to access the maps

Please do not order the maps unless you have a Google Account as a link to the maps cannot be sent to you.

You can pay by Paypal or Direct Deposit. Please be aware that if you pay by Direct Deposit some banks take a couple of days to proceess the payment.

Please check your junk mail  after you have paid in case your invitation to view the maps goes there.

Annual Subscription Renewal 

The cost to renew an annual subscription is $10 per map. If you subscribe to more than 5 maps, the cost of the annual renewal is capped at $50.

Bonus Maps

If you subscribe to any Goldfield District map you will receive access to the following maps at no charge:

  • Ballarat Goldfield District
  • Parks Victoria Prospecting maps
  • Planned Burns map
  • Heritage Sites map
  • Prospecting - Banned Streams map

Access to the maps

Once payment has been received you will receive an email inviting you to access the map. This is not an automatic process and may take a couple of hours after payment is received.

Paypal payments

If making a Paypal payment, after you have selected the Paypal option, make sure you tap the Paypal logo to be directed to Paypal to complete the purchase.

All Goldfield Districts
All Goldfield Districts
Ararat Goldfield District
Ararat Goldfield District
Avoca Goldfield District
Avoca Goldfield District
Ballarat Goldfield District
Ballarat Goldfield District
Call for Price
Bendigo Goldfield District
Bendigo Goldfield District
Castlemaine Goldfield District
Castlemaine Goldfield District
Enfield Goldfield District
Enfield Goldfield District
Heathcote Goldfield District
Heathcote Goldfield District
Heritage Sites
Heritage Sites
Call for Price
Historic Geological Maps
Historic Geological Maps
Jamieson to Willow Grove Goldfield District
Jamieson to Willow Grove Goldfield District
Linton Goldfield District
Linton Goldfield District
North East Goldfield District
North East Goldfield District
Parks Victoria Prospecting Maps
Parks Victoria Prospecting Maps
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Planned Burns
Planned Burns
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Prospecting - Banned Streams
Prospecting - Banned Streams
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Wedderburn Goldfield District
Wedderburn Goldfield District
Yandoit to Steiglitz Goldfield District
Yandoit to Steiglitz Goldfield District
Contact Victorian Online Gold Maps

About Us

Victorian Online Gold Maps is an easy to use mapping package to help
gold prospectors discover gold bearing ground.

It can be used on a PC, tablet or mobile phone.

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